Lukla to Kathmandu Road Distance

Lukla to Kathmandu Road Distance

Lukla to Kathmandu Road Distance

Lukla to Kathmandu Road Distance is 367 km, however, Motorable road is available only from Thamdanda, where it takes about 8 hours walk to reach from Lukla.

 Lukla to Kathmandu Road distance in Brief: 

    • Chaurikharka to Thamdanda  (The Start point of Road for Lukla Purpose) Road Distance is: 37km (under construction)
  • Thamdanda to Salleri Road Distance is: 63km
  • Salleri (Headquarter of Solukhumbu District) to Kathmandu Road distance is 267km. 

Lukla to Kathmanddu overland transport by private Jeep Price:

Thamdanda (near by Lukla) to Kathmandu Jeep drive is one of the reliable transports to Kathmandu city while looking for an alternative to the Kathmandu flight. The Road drive will take around 9 hours by jeep to reach at Salleri from Thamdanda. Salleri to Kathmandu distance is 267 Km with the blacktopped road. Recently the motorable bridge over the Dudhkoshi River has been completed  to link motoable road  between Lukla and Kathmandu in Nepal. 4 Hours  off Road Jeep drive following  25 Kilometer Road drive  from Thamdanda will take you  Dudhkoshir Bridge  and anthoher 5 hours off-road drive following 38 Kilometer new opening track from Dudhkoshi Bridge to the district headquarters Sallari will take you at Saller From where you can get to Kathmadu by 9 hours blackstonned Jeep drive follwoing 267 KM road drive. Thamdanda (Lukla ) to Kathmandu Road distance is 330KM and it takes about 18 Hours to Reach at Kathmandu from Thamdanda. The Capacity of Jeep is 7 persons  including Driver.