Kathmandu to Namche Bazaar Distance

Kathmandu to Namche Bazaar Distance

Kathmandu to Namche Bazaar  Straight Air Route Distance is 137 KM and overland distance  is 426 km, Closest Airport of Namche Bazaar  is Lukla Airpor, But there is no road access available to Namchebazzar.  

Namche Bazaar is located at an elevation of 3,440m in the lap oft the world’s highest peaks. This town lies inside the Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This is also the gateway of Everest and from this town, normally many trekking, expedition, and other adventure activities begin. Namche Bazaar is also called the Sherpa capital, as the town is very famous for the tourists and this is one of the biggest marketplaces in the Khumbu region, boasting every facility, service, and comfort you could possibly imagine. Namche Bazaar has huge settlements of Sherpa people in almost all the parts. 

namche bazaar